Do you need a home tutor for an Autistic Child
Do you need a Nanny, HouseHelp or a Home Tutor? Nursery and Primary education is the basic foundation necessary for a child's development. Nephatera Home Tutors aim at enhancing the quality of education received by children.
* We help children revise what was taught in school. * We help children complete their homework * Help prepare them for exams * Cater for them when you are out working * We cater for children with special needs( Autistic children) * We give weekly or monthly report on the strength and weakness of your child.
* Live in nannies and househelps available. We teach: English, Maths, Religious Education, ICT, Social Studies, etc.
Our teachers are professionally trained with passion for teaching children. Pick a time convenient for you and we will schedule the sessions to suit you.
Call 0552257577 or Email: