Shakespeare, many critics have believed, did not wish to preach, He just wanted to portray human emotions in their entirety and leave its interpretation to our own value judgements. Whatever the merits of this comment, the fact remains that we must have a cogent philosophy based on an inviolate morality and integrity.
if we, as students of Shakespeare, are to do complete justice to our existence. It is this inviolate, unimpeachable integrity that students will find throughout this book.
All moral things are simple. The moment we complícate them we dilute moralíty.
The same parameter of existence is rigidly followed in the entire book. The book thus is as easily understood by school students as by graduate and post-graduate students, Despíte the simplicity, neither the lyrical quality of Shakespeare nor his comprehensive and profound understanding of human emotions is compromised and the book is as much of utility to serious scholars as to teachers and professors.
I have found existing books on Shakespeare devote scores of pages to chapters which are of no consequence, specially from the examination point of view. Moreover, the answers to various aspects of each play are nothing more than an accumulation of paragraphs of criticism from various English scholars, Since two or more questíons are clubbed together and the critical excerpts are joined by a few sentences, the students often do not get an authentic answer to any single question.