Global Poverty Eradication Centre [GLOPEC]
MISSION STATEMENT To co-ordinate and create wealth to support the activities of institutions, organizations, corporations, business, governmental agencies, and individuals building initiative to promote poverty reduction and enhancing national development. Back! GOAL Building excellence in national development Back VISION STATEMENT Improving lives of poor and poorer people before 2020.
Back OBJECTIVES To develop an information base on poverty reduction across the world To enhance equal distribution of financial integration between the poor and the rich in order to promote the sustainability of national development. To pursue a comprehensive integrated approach that will make the connection between Gender inequalities, lack of access to quality [Education, Housing, Health Social Benefits and financial support and etc…] employment opportunities, women and their increase of vulnerability to violence and to consider how necessary different policies may relate to each other and impact the person they are designed to assist.
To develop strategies to reduce poverty in long term and in various programs such as income support rates, child benefits, access to prescript ional drugs, education and training support, housing support, health support and other initiatives designed to enhance quick economic development in all developing counties and incentives to improve compliance with support enforcement orders. To develop enough fund to help build on works already undertaken by an inter developmental working groups on poverty reduction.
Representative include, education, health and community services, innovations, trade and rural development, finance, women policies and all other social economic agencies. To identify groups as being at above average risk of poverty and deprivation example, lone parent with large family on low income, people with disability, the long term unemployed and the aged.
To create initiatives which will support their day to day living. To collaborate with governmental donors and other institutional networks to solve common problems facing the world and its capacity building services in sourcing for funds for research and development.
To create opportunity for people living under $1 a day to have access to international programs which in effect will widen their nature of experience and stabilize global partnership between the developing and developed world. Back