ZAK Foundation Ghana
ZAK Foundation Ghana (ZFG) is Non-Governmental Organization, established in 2016, which seeks to see society developed and children, especially, disadvantaged youth and vulnerable, the future of humanity, and disadvantaged women coming out of obscurity to have a sense of self–worth. Our aim is to partner governments, corporations, development institutions, community groups and single individuals across the globe in providing a more viable practical, result oriented and sustainable services in promoting human dignity and sustainable livelihood.
A trusted organization that will bring dignity, equity, unity and hope for all manner of persons
The mission is to strengthen the social, emotional, and economic competencies of disadvantaged youth and vulnerable people in the society
The strategic objectives of the ZAK Foundation Ghana is guided with the vision of the organization, a society of full dignity, equity, unity and hope.
- Promote sustainable agriculture and improve income towards food security
- Minimize illiteracy to the plainest minimum and ensure the safety of children
- Facilitate access to primary health care and minimize the increase and spread of teenage pregnancy and HIV respectively.
- Promote human dignity and sustainable livelihoods
Eastern Region and Birim North District in particular has a vast stretch of land with lots of potential when tapped to the full (est.) will save the people from the acute poverty and its attendance challenges.
In terms of climatic conditions, the area is more favorable for crop production and yet the people cannot produce enough to feed themselves throughout the year not to talk of selling to others. ZAK Foundation is therefore working to improve on food production and alternative income generating activities
- Processing, storage, Marketing and Nutrition
- Microfinance
- Advocacy for improve Agricultural Development
- Crop and Livestock production
Women have been treated as people with no rights, whose place is in the” kitchen”, especially in Africa, Ghana, and the northern regions in particular.
Opportunities are therefore not shared evenly among both sexes. This is demonstrated in areas such as the ownership of productive resources, school attendance, credit worthiness, etc.
These facts could be attributed to low enrolment in school, early marriages, domestic violence, and socio- cultural beliefs and practices. We aspire to give women a say in the making of strategic decisions, giving them the opportunity to own productive resources and create the awareness of sending both the boy and girl child to school.
We will improve women’s credit worthiness through the formation of small groups to access credit from financial institutions and others
- Campaign for quality universal basic education
- Needy students scholarship
- Rights of the child Rights activities
- Advocacy for child education and protection
- Microfinance
Access to primary health care services in the area in which we operate is poor. This is due to such factors as unavailability of such facilities, poverty and ignorance.
The people are also vulnerable to HIV/AIDS infection due to the activities of mining within the area. ZAK Foundation, therefore will work to halt the spread of HIV/AIDS, improving on their access to primary health care services as well as reducing maternal and infant mortality in the area.
- Community water, sanitation and health insurance campaigns
- Anti-HIV/AIDS Campaign
- School Reproductive health clubs
- Advocacy for improved general health and HIV/AIDS education
ZAK Foundation Ghana focuses on building the necessary skills and competencies for young people to be self-sufficient, facilitating their transition to adulthood.
The objective is to enhance youth literacy, employability, civic engagement, creativity and wellbeing. We work with other youth organizations, trainers, researchers and youth workers to improve learning and financial opportunities for young women and men in a variety of areas directly related to their development, such as life skills, technical and vocational training, entrepreneurship, sustainable development, civic participation and leadership, among others.
Throughout this work, ZAK Foundation Ghana promotes equal access to quality education, training and capacity building for young women and men.