Development Aid For Northern Ghana,DANG
In 2003, Development Aid for Northern Ghana was found to help the people of the Northern Region to address some of these probl;ems.DANG was established to expand the possibilities and open avenues to expand the living statndards of people, in the face of the area-wide poverty.DANG takes much of its inspiration from the the United Nations' Millenium Development Goals (MDGs). DANG's vision is to eliminate poverty throughout the Northern Region of Ghana, transforming it into an area of properity,civil order,economic opportunity and positive drive for excellence.In the process,it aims to stay committed to gender equity and tolerance in an open society. MISSION The mission of Development Aid for Northern Ghana is to work with communities and organizations to eliminate poverty throughout Northern Ghana through the design and implementation of programmes, projects and actions that empower the people and improve upon their standards of living. .