Youth For Green Ghana
Y4GG: Is a non-governmental organization with initiative of giving back what is due to the planet earth. Our mission is to become an indomitable environmental conservative force in Africa and the world at large, promote awareness about the importance of our ecosystem, and educate the public, sensitize them on the posing threat we cause to our planet Earth.
Our job is to give Ghana and the entire continents its green scenery nature endowed by God thereby promoting good health and peace for humanity. “Youth for Green Ghana’s purpose is to safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants and animals and the natural systems on which all life depend. We work to restore the integrity of the elements that sustain life air, land and water -- and to defend endangered natural places. We seek to establish sustainability and good stewardship of the Earth as central ethical imperatives of human society. We strive to protect nature in ways that advance the long- term welfare of present and future generations. We work to foster the fundamental right of all people to have a voice in decisions that affect their environment to help create a new way of life for humankind, one that can be sustained indefinitely without fouling or depleting the resources that support all life on Earth.” .