Accounting and Bookkeeping, Payroll Services, Inventory and Stock Management, Taxation Services, Internal Auditing ,Company Secretarial Services, Recruitment and Corporate Training. Call 0200246927 for faster and reliable service
Correct Engineering Group is a provider of comprehensive design services in civil, environmental, process, and mechanical engineering. We provide long term waste infrastructure planning services in Ghana, and West Africa. Services are gear…
Correct Plumbing and Engineering Services Ltd. provides certified, professional and reliable plumbing services for Domestic, Commercial and Industrial buildings. In addition, the company conducts door to door emergency plumbing, plumbing s…
We are Professionals in Enterprise Consulting and Implementation service company catering to customers across Ghana. We assist our customers in advancing their business processes by speeding up communication and information flow, thus enha…
We are trained CIM.UK professionals that markets companies product,make research for companies and also help companies who would like to do business with other companies in Ghana and Abroad but don't where they can't find such companies of…
We construct houses for individuals, schools and cooperate institutions. Quality is our hallmark so just call us any time you think of putting up any building or any general construction work to do a good but affordable job for you.
Cosbic farms ltd. is a major producer and exporter of food crops such as Cassava, Chilli, fruits, tilapia, Maize, Soya beans, papaya etc. We also export gari and starch in large quantities.
COSBIC farms Ltd. is agri-business consulting firm specialised in the Production, Marketing, Financing, Export, Distribution and processing of agricultural product. We work in partnership with all stakeholders in the agricultural sector wo…
COSBIC Ltd. offers a full range of short public and onsite training as well as customized learning solutions developed specifically to meet the training needs of our clients all over the world through conferences, forums, Certification Pro…
At COSBOC Ltd. we have built a strong IT team with partners from Ghana, UK and the US to offer IT solutions to meet all your business needs ranging from System design and development, networking, Web design and development, IT infrastructu…
COSBIC Ltd. is a fully owned Ghanaian based agri-business consulting firm specialised mainly in the Marketing and Financing of agribusinesses, Real Estate, Energy projects, Building and Construction, Trade Finance in Africa especially Ghan…
Import and Distribution of renowned international brands in Ghana. Importation and distribution of Abro range of auto care products, lubricants, batteries; Tasotti range of auto and home air fresheners; And Honshu Batteries, among others.
Standing as the best-helping hands in all kinds of cleaning and bringing solutions to peoples cleaning problems at homes, offices and other business places as contributing to organizational success and individual’s achievement.
Cosmopolitan Merchants is a number one dealer in auto parts and accessories based in Ghana,Abossey Okai, Accra.
We Stock all kinds of motor Vehicle spare parts, Oil filters, fuel filters, air filters, brake parts, spark plucks, engine gas…
Cosmos Schools Ltd was established on a very significant day, 4th June, 1979 the day of the Revolution in Ghana. The founder of the school Mrs. Grace Freda Nartey started the school with six children in her garage .Today it is one of the b…
COSMOS TOTAL HEALTH is a Natural Healing Center for the harmonious integration of the Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit of Man. Some of the therapies we employ include Radionics as well as Homeopathy, Nutritional and Herbal Medicine, all aspects…
Our firm is a travel firm that does the following:
Plan details for travel including transportation, accommodation, and airlines.
Work with clients to determine their traveling needs.
Guide clients on the appropriate styles of tr…
Supply of machineries and know how in many agric fields from very small processing lines up to traditional, big, expensive industrial processing plants.
Such as:
1. Tomato processing lines
2. Fruit Juice processing lines
3. Meat proc…
To generate and apply innovative technologies which efficiently and effectively exploit Science and Technology (S & T) for socio-economic development in the critical areas of agriculture, industry, health and environment and improve scient…
We are a tour company specializing in Inbound and Outbound tours,multi-lingual guide service,car rentals and specialized in more than one country tour on a trip.
Country Volunteer Organisation (CVO) welcomes volunteers to its exciting volunteer programme that offers you the opportunity to live and work in friendly communities in Ghana with diverse host families and work placements ranging from orph…
Our present range of canned foods on the market are: Whole Tomato in tomato Juice, Whole Red Pepper in Brine
Garden –Eggs in Brine
Pepper Puree
Shitto (Hotly-Spiced Pepper Sauce)
Palava Sauce, (Spinach/ kontomire and Egushie Stew)
We are real estate consultants and property management company.We also offer secured loans.Do you want to borrow money using your property or home as collateral.We can help you realise this.We offer a professional dedicated service to land…
Coupons Technologies is a Ghanaian IT startup that provides business promotion and marketing services to companies in the retail, hospitality, food and beverage and other industries. Our main product is, Ghana's first coupon…