I.T. Duties, LLC
IT Duties provides full IT solutions for small to large businesses. Our staff will tailor the best solution to get the job done, with special consideration of your budget, security concerns, and scalability.
Listed below are a few, among many, of the IT services we provide: * Server Development * System Administration * Proactive Monitoring Solutions * Email / Instant Messaging Solutions * Application Development * Systems Management * Network / Security * Consulting, Outsourcing and Contracting * Training * DB2 related tasks * Nagios / Groundwork implementation and maintenance * Virtualization * Linux and Windows Support * LAN / WAN Setup * Intranet Setup * Open Source Solutions Our staff includes top tier technicians who are dedicated, determined, and enjoy what they do. Satisfaction is guaranteed.
For more information on services, please visit the Service Detail Link. At IT duties we always appreciate and welcome your business..