28TH The Crossroads Film Screening (Animation)
28TH THE CROSSROADS FILM SCREENING (ANIMATION) SCREENING THIS HISTORIC EVENT PENNED DOWN IN A HEART-WARMING ANIMATED STORY OF REJECTION, BETRAYAL AND TRAGEDY; recounting the infamous 28th February 1948 Crossroads shooting incident at the Christiansborg Castle that led to a nationwide uprising and eventual gaining of independence from colonial rule, 6th march 1957! This is an animated feature film produced by Parables Animation Studios (PAS) & Animation Africa.
As part of this years’ Independence Day Celebration on Monday, 6th March 2023, PAS is collaborating with Alliance Française Accra to significantly celebrate our journey of independence so far and as well appreciate the HEROES who selflessly made it possible for us today to enjoy our freedom and rights.
Added to this special screening is a PANEL DISCUSSION with some key personalities and a Q&A segment to help clear doubts and also get everyone involved in the process of enhancing the narratives of Ghana and Africa as a whole.
Spread the news to family and friends and Grab your tickets asap…
D: MARCH 6TH, 2023
T: 6:00PM