Creators Computers
Educational software development,computer repairs,asssembling,maintenanace,upgrading and installation.A description of one of our educational software development. Softmaths is a new interactive student centered computer software.Application program for learning mathematics at the junior high school level based on all the 39 topics in the Ghana Education Service approved J.H.S mathematics sylabus.It has a total of 1170 basic education certificate examination [B.E.C.E.]model questions and answers. BENEFITS OF SOFTMATHS #Enables students to do and understand mathematics at the J.H.S level. #Stimulates learning [will enhance concept development and concept formation and concept reinforcement] #provides step by step progress[of students] toward carefully defined instructional objective. #Makes efficient use of the principle of Active Responding by providing students with immediate feedback on success or failure. #Enables students to practice test items untill their answers are correct. #Provides students the rare opporunity to learnat their own pace and at their private learning enviroments. #Engages the interest of the student and motivates him to learn. #Increases students independence and personal responsibility for education. These are the benefits of the interactive softmaths CD. .