KenSoft Technology
• Professional Training and IT Consultancy (a) Professsional Training - GCF Global Learning courses We prepare you for the real world through a personal, practical, professional, fast-paced learning experience. Our Instructors facilitate, mentor and coach you in a supportive learning environment. We provide a variety of scheduling options that make it possible for you to balance your education with your lifestyle. We offer morning, late afternoon, and evening sessions as well as weekend courses. Our graduates receive one of the most intensive job search modules available. • About Our Technology Courses We have culminated a highly focused, relevant curriculum that meets the needs of employers worldwide. We offer technological courses in a wide variety of areas like; Computer Basics, Internet Basics, E-mail Basics, etc. • About our Life Skills Courses KenSoft Technology continues to boast an impressive list of courses in areas that include; Math Basics, Money Basics, Career Development, Workplace Development, and Everyday Life. (We’ll give your life a whole new direction) • flexible class schedules • small class sizes • no hidden fees • financial aid for those who qualify • fast-track programmes are geared to the job market • career placement assistance .