INTELESSE GHANA LIMITED is private liability company, registered as civil and construction engineering firm with company registration number CS310332013 and ISIC code 4290 in the registrar general department, Accra. The company has electrical equipments supplies and installation license both EXTERNAL (High Tension, Low Tension, Transformer Maintenance And Installation Services) and INTERNAL (we offer Domestic, Commercial, Industrial Wiring Service and sale ) respectively to deliver its services in Ghana, we are also member of Electrical contractors Association of Ghana, and we also have Telecommunication Equipment distribution and Installation license (installation of class B equipments’), Civil and Construction Engineering Service license (we offer real estate services, road and drains construction service) .Finally give you the best online sales.
The company has vendor certification and capacity of deploying quality electrical materials and cables from manufactures in UK to individual and company in Ghana as well. INTELESSE GHANA LIMITED as group of companies is in association with ministries of work and housing, ministries of energy, ministries of communication and Electrical distribution, ministries of road and high way and supplying and distribution companies in Ghana e.g.
E.C.G, VRA etc to deliver it services .