•Home and Hotel Management This is a daily weekend cleaning and management service we provide* companies and homes. Based on the type and total duration of this service, it is further divided into three (3) 1.
Weekend cleaning and management for homes and companies: -A 6 hours weekend house keeping service where we provide a (female) to assist you in basic domestic chores such as washing, cooking, general cleaning, baby sitting among others. 6 hours weekend service can either be spread apart for two days that is 3 hours on Saturday and 3 hours on Sunday or 6 hours for a day.
And a (male) to handle jobs like gardening, weeding, hedge trimming, garbage management, and other jobs the female cannot handle just to mention a few. 2. Daily cleaning and management for companies and homes: Two (2) hours morning cleaning where a male and a female will be provided to assist you in cleaning of your premises and arrangement. .