• Job and Student Internship Placement This service is absolutely free for employers or companies who engage or subscribe to it. As a labour consultancy firm, we serve as intermediaries between institutions with vacancies to offer and unemployed professionals seeking jobs. As part of our annual social commitment to the society, we help zealous students from tertiary institutions (universities, polytechnics and professional institutes) during their long vacations to secure attachment. This initiative is intended to enable the students gain some practical work experience as well as contribute their quota to their prospective companies. We offer to provide you with competent and well experienced staff drawn from our large database of jobseekers of all departments that exist in a corporate institution.
This allows for easy selection of individuals for positions in your organization. * Upon your request for staff, it takes a maximum of 4 working days for processing, during when we conduct an internal interview, do background checks and a shortlist of qualified applicants, who we then forward to you for final screening and selection. CATEGORIES OF APPLICANTS WITH SKYKING SERVICES LIMITED MANAGERS, ACCOUNTANTS, ADMINISTRATORS, SECRETARIES, RECEPTIONISTS, FRONT DESK OPERATORS, MARKETERS, DRIVERS, FACTORY HANDS, MESSENGERS, COOKS, CHEFS, CATERERS WAITERS, WAITRESSES, SALES BOY/ GIRL, SECURITY GUARDS, HOUSE KEEPERS, GRAPHIC DESIGNERS, MACHINE OPERATORS, TECHNICIANS. .