ASEA Consulting and Associates Ltd.
ASEA understands your business needs: • We produce consistent results for companies, organizations, and sole proprietorships like yours who want to do business in Africa. • We’re a perfect fit for businesses that demand high-performance results. • We put relationships to work to help you with sales, profitability, valuation, and expansion. ▪ Social Impact: We help companies understand the positive social impact that business brings to Africa. ▪ African countries’ legal, regulatory, and tax environments: We help you understand the legal, regulatory and tax environments in all African countries. Our goal is to help you understand and minimize all necessary risks before doing business on the continent. ▪ Strategic Communications: We assist companies, organizations, and sole proprietors by creating, strengthening or preserving, among key audiences, opinions favorable to attaining their goals.
We assist in creating the “bottom line” favorable public policy outcome; we help reduce cost of doing business, and support marketing/operational effectiveness. With our services our clients have been able to define strategic and actionable goals.
We have all the necessary contacts at all levels in Africa to get the job done. ▪ Market Analysis: We assist companies, organizations, and sole proprietors with making decisions on: commodity investment in Africa, inventory, purchase, work force expansion/contraction, facility expansion, purchasing capital equipment, promotional activities, and many other specific market analysis requirements. ▪ Market Research: We assist companies, organizations, and sole proprietors with systematically gathering, recording and analyzing data and information about customers, competitors and the market in Africa and the US to help create business plans, launch new products or services, fine tune existing products and services, and expand into new markets. With ASEA’s market research services, companies can learn more about current and potential customers.
We help businesses make better business decisions about the development and marketing of new products. We also provide on the ground African securities market and commodities research. ▪ Strategic Market Research: The ASEA methodology is designed to provide the maximum amount of primary information at the lowest possible cost.
In order to understand complex marketing problems, we gather data using a combination of research methods. This approach provides a unique checks and balances system to help validate information and provide more accurate strategic planning. ▪ Private Equity Research: We research and provide proprietary country overviews in Africa, sector analysis and market surveys for companies, organizations, and sole proprietors. ▪ Management Consulting: We assist companies, organizations, and sole proprietors with improving performance through analysis of existing business problems and developing future plans.
We help implement formal frameworks or methodologies to identify problems or suggest more effective or efficient ways of performing business tasks. We analyze and propose ways to improve an organization’s structure, efficiency, or profits. ▪ Strategy Development: ASEA assists companies, organizations, and sole proprietors with developing and utilizing specific qualities and characteristics that set their business apart from other businesses within their industry.
We help our clients determine their market identity, and develop their competitive advantage. ▪ Business Plan Development: ASEA assists companies, organizations, and sole proprietors with researching, and developing full-scale business plans. ▪ Media Relations: We assist companies, organizations, and sole proprietors with promoting and selling their products. ▪ Presentation Preparation: We research, develop and prepare presentations in M.S. PowerPoint, M.S.
Excel, Adobe, M.S. Word, and M.S.
Access formats for companies, organizations, and sole proprietors. Project Management: We assist companies, organizations, and sole proprietors with organizing and managing resources in such a way that their project in Africa is completed within a defined scope, quality, time and cost constraint. We insure that a project is delivered within defined constraints. .