Easyerrands & Delivery Services Ltd
Easyerrands is an outfit established to satisfy the diverse errands needs of busy executives and working professionals to concentrate on their schedules with an assurance that able hands are handling their chores/tasks. Easyerrands will run your errands on pay-per-task basis in a professional and cost effective manner while you concentrate on producing better results because you have more time on your hands. Tasks transferred to Easyerrands may be either personal or professional. Services offered are customized to suit the client’s needs and schedule. Your errands are taken care of the same way you would by Easyerrands. No job is too small or too big for Easyerrands.
We are just a call away! We take great pleasure in helping people accomplish necessary tasks Trustworthiness and warmth stands us out – we will be honest with you should there be a task we cannot handle and find a suitable alternative for you. .