Professional Farmers College (PROFACO)
PROFESSIONAL FARMING BUSINESS ADVISORY SERVICES (PF-BAS) Do you want to do profitable commrcial farming business? We provide professional farming services as follows: 1.Agricultural Graduates Employment Program (AGEP) (Degree, Diploma, Certificates). Agriculture graduates interested in establishing Professional Farming Business (PFB). 2.Youth Employment in Professional Farming (YEPF) All young people, male and female, interested in Professional Farming Business (PFB) training and establishing their own farming business.
District Assemblies that wish to organize their youth employment in farming sustainably. 3.Prospective Farmers Turnkey Consultancy Services (PFTS). Companies, NGOs, Communities, Churches, Schools, Business Executives, prospective and practicing farmers, retired and serving civil and public servants, individuals who wish to enter Commercial Farming Business professionally. 4.Practicing Farmers Farm Business Improvement Services (PFFBIS). Practicing farmers who wish to improve their farming business Professionally and introduce new farming projects and market their farm products.. Are you interested in any of the above professional farming services? .