When Blood Pressure is repeatedly at or above 140/90 mmHg in most cases. This target reading varies in certain cases eg. In Diabetics.
How can one suspect he/she has hypertension
1. Most often NO WARNING, therefore we need to have our blood pressures checked regularly. This is why it is referred to as “the silent killer”. It may be harming you but you will feel perfectly well.
2. Dizziness
3. Headaches
4. Chest pain
5. Palpitations
6. Nose bleeds
7. Weakness
8. Frequent Urination
9. Poor eyesight
None of the above symptoms is diagnostic of hypertension.
Be extra careful if;
i. You have family members with Hypertension
ii. You lead an unhealthy life-style; alcohol, smoking
iii. You live a sedentary life – no exercises
iv. You have an extremely stressful life
v. You are overweight
vi. You are male
vii. You are over 40 years
viii. You have high Cholesterol
ix. You have Diabetes
x. You use steroids
If you are hypertensive;
1. Stop smoking
2. Reduce alcohol consumption
3. Cut down your salt intake and increase the fruits and vegetables in your meals
4. Exercise regularly
5. Reduce your weight if you are too heavy for your height.
6.If your doctor has put you on any medication take it daily (do not take your pills only when you feel unwell/have a headache etc.
Is the World’s No. 1 killer stalking you?
The WHO has estimated that by the year 2020, 40% of all deaths worldwide will be related to cardiovascular disease.
DO NOT BE A VICTIM - let us make it a point to check our blood pressure TODAY for starters.