Cotton is a major cash crop cultivated in most parts of the globe including Ghana. It is a soft, stable fibre shrub native to tropical and sub-tropical regions around the world including the Americas, India and Africa. The cultivation of cotton started seven thousand years ago, in the Indus Valley, a place today inhabited by North-western India and Eastern Pakistan.
The largest producers of cotton in 2009 were China and India with annual production of approximately 34 million and 24 million bales respectively. Textile industries in these two countries consume up to 80.
The simple message here is that it can be done. The Government of Ghana would not only be alleviating poverty and reducing unemployment by revamping the cotton sub-sector, it would be fulfilling one of its major campaign promises and diversifying the economy of Northern Ghana and the nation by supporting the cotton, sheanut and rice industries.
In the case of cotton, let the Government of Ghana as a majority shareholder take the following initial steps: Nominate its members to the Board of GCCL; appoint a Chairman to the Board out of the nominees; charge the Board with the responsibility of re-engineering the Company and the industry and offer all the needed political support for policies adopted by the Board and Management of GCCL and the Ministry of Agriculture to revamp the industry.
By Paul Achonga Kwode