The main benchmark of the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) slumped again in trading on Monday on a huge loss by Unilever.
The GSE All-Share Index lost 44.51 points at 6,795.47 points from Friday's close of 6,839.98.98 points.
Change for the year for the first time in years, slumped under-par to -0.05 per cent from 0.61 per cent on Friday.
Shares traded closed lower at 86,100.
Unilever plunged by 2,000 cedis to 20,000 cedis but Benso Oil Palm Plantation (BOPP) continued its surge with 100 cedis gain at 7,150 cedis.
Market capitalisation closed lower at 97,607.44 billion cedis from 3,663.42 million issued shares.
The following are the last prices of listed equities in cedis:
ABL 1,480
AGA 300,000
AADs 3,000
ALW 7,000
BAT 5,000
BOPP 7,150 +100
CAL 3,400
CFAO 255
CLYD 1,330
CMLT 1,200
CPC 1,000
EIC 8,000
FML 19,000
GBL 1,600
GCB 13,010
GGL 12,500
HFC 9,500
MGL 275
MLC 3,000
MOGL 39,010
PAF 800
PBC 3,600
PZ 5,300
SCB 170,000
SPL 750
SPPC 390
SG-SSB 27,000
SWL 290
TBL 31,000
UNIL 20,000 -2,000