Mr. Prosper Adabla, Chairman of the Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry observed that Ghana could benefit immensely by collaborating with foreign partners to boost the national economy.
Mr Adabla, who was speaking at a meeting with Iranian business delegation in Accra, said such partnership would promote the establishment of businesses in the country.
The delegation, made up of representatives of the Iran Chamber of Commerce and Industry is in the country to take part in a two-day seminar on: " Effective Business Policy, Analysis Implementation and Management."
Mr Adabla commended the delegation for the interest they had shown in forging partnership with their Ghanaian counterparts and expressed the hope that it would lead to the mutual benefit of the two countries.
Mr Mohammadreza Faghihi, leader of the delegation said the Iranians had come to the country to have a feel of the business strategy in the country and have face-to-face interaction with their Ghanaian counterparts, adding that it was the Islamic policy to expand relations with African countries and hoped that Ghanaians would be ready to work with them.
The Ghana National Chamber of Commerce is organizing the seminar to equip Chief Executives, board members, heads of departments, managers, senior and middle level officers among others whose job description and operation involved corporate policy development analysis, implementation and management with effective skills in business policy related issues.
The participants are expected to display the ability to develop innovative ideas in critical moments to implement and manage their businesses effectively to put them ahead of all competitors in terms of profit, growth, competitiveness and other corporate objectives.