Black Friday Black January; Savings and Investments still key
The festive season is with us once again and as characteristic, most retailers are capitalizing on the season to embark on massive clearance sales. Prominent among these massive sales pitches on specific Fridays set aside for customers and patrons to purchase goods and services at highly discounted prices, christened ‘’black Friday’’.
Even as we all get immersed in this shopping frenzy, it is crucial that we bear in mind that January and the year 2020 for that matter, beckons and with it comes financial obligations and uncertainties for which provision would have to be made for. Below are a few points to set us thinking.
In as much as there is nothing wrong with celebrating Christmas and the end of the year per se, it must be done meaningfully and prudently. As the saying goes, let us make hay while the sun shines.
This weekly report is the copyright of NIMED Capital Ltd. (NIMED), an investment banking company licensed and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C.) of Ghana as Investment Advisers as well as the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (N.P.R.A.) as an approved Pension Fund Manager. Information and opinions herein have been compiled or arrived at based on information obtained from sources considered reliable; we therefore do not hold ourselves responsible for its completeness or accuracy. All statements of opinion, projections, forecasts, or those relating to expectations regarding future events or performance of investments represent NIMED’s own assessment and interpretation of information currently available to NIMED which are subject to change.