It is rare that an individual lives three score and ten years without experiencing back pain. The average Joes will almost invariably experience back pain and that is as certain as night follows day.
Approximately 40% of all people will complain of significant back pain some time in their life. About 95% of these cases resolve spontaneously within 6 weeks. Most cases of back pain go away on their own after a few days but if yours lasts more than a week, see a doctor. Usually the pain will be due to muscle strain or ligamentous sprain which heals with time with or without treatment.
A small proportion of acute back pain may have significant, serious pathology as its underlying cause. Examples include fracture, neoplasm, infection or other conditions that adversely affect a nerve (e.g. a disc between vertebrae bulge or burst open and presses on a nerve such as the sciatic nerve).
Risk Factors For Back Pain
•Occupation – sedentary workers and those who need to lift things or bend for hours
•Poor Posture
•Being out of shape – pot belly etc
•Genetics – vulnerable to scoliosis, spondylolisthesis etc
•Age – young athletes are prone to tiny fractures in the spine (spondylolysis). The aged are likely to have arthritis
•Psychosocial Issues – Depression, Anxiety
Diagnosing Back Pain
Some people complain of back pain after lifting heavy objects using an abnormal posture or sitting for long periods but several others may not remember any triggers.
Often the patient’s complaints and the doctor’s findings will clinch the diagnosis but your guess is as good as mine; the management/treatment is usually the same.
Laboratory tests are often not helpful except for the few cases where infection or neoplasm is a concern.
X-rays are not indicated in most cases of back pain, especially within the first six (6) weeks. It may only become necessary when pain persists, or there is concern for fracture, neoplasm, infection or other serious condition. Other studies that may be helpful are, Bone Scan, CT Scan or MRI.
Managing Back Pain
The mainstay of management is:
•Bed rest for a short period of time usually not exceeding three days.
•Early mobilization ensures quick recovery. Get moving, do not stay in bed indefinitely
•Lying on a firm surface is recommended but super hard mattresses may sometimes cause back pain
•Analgesics such as Brufen, Naproxen etc are useful but avoid if you have peptic ulcer or are asthmatic
Other Options for Management Include:
•Psychotherapy – many cases of back pain have been found to be linked to anxiety and depression
•Physiotherapy/Physical Therapy also has an important place
•Massage, Osteopathy and Chiropractic all play a role in relieving back pain
•Surgery may also be needed. Certain cases of back pain are surgical emergencies but for the majority, surgery may be a last resort. Though surgery may make the patient feel better quickly, the same can be achieved with physical therapy in the long term (Study in Journal of the American Medical Association)
Need To See The Doctor Now – Warning Signs You CANT Ignore
In general one may not need to see a doctor immediately with most brief episodes of back pain but if the following are associated with your pain then get to the hospital NOW!!!
•Extreme leg weakness
•Loss of bladder and/or bowel control
•Numbness or altered sensation in groin or rectal area
•Fever or sign of infection
•History of cancer
Living Without Back Pain
•Stay fit – Exercise on most days of the week (
•Eat a balanced meal at the right times
•Maintain a healthy weight
•Cut out tobacco
•Take time off to relax
•Attitude – take charge of how you feel. Do not be too hard on yourself.
Some Exercises That May Help To Heal Back Pain
•Partial sit-up: Lie on your back with knees bent. Exhale and pull abdominal muscles in and hold then slowly raise head and shoulder with arms stretched to touch knee. Repeat ten times
•Wall slide: Slide up then down till your thighs form an angle of 90 degrees with the vertical wall. Repeat
•Pelvic tilt: Lie on your back with knees bent. Exhale and pull abdominal muscles in and up towards the ribs.
•Bird Dog: Bend over on all fours, then raise opposite arm and leg parallel to the floor hold for a count of eight or ten then repeat. Change to the other arm and leg and repeat.
Back pain is a major public health issue since it results in a substantial decrease in productivity and days lost from work.
Use the appropriate furniture at work and take occasional one-minute breaks to stand.
If you need to lift and bend often make sure you learn the proper posture.
DO NOT wait for BACK PAIN to strike, start a healthy life style today!!!!
1. WebMD
2. Mosby’s Ace the Boards
3. The Merck Manual
Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel
Moms Health Club