He has, therefore, urged all arms of the government, especially the judiciary, and Ghanaians, to support his office in its work to ensure the accomplishment of its set goals.
Addressing journalists in Accra on Wednesday, he said, “We must uphold our institutions and strengthen them, especially our law enforcement agencies. We should not take the relative peace and security we presently enjoy for granted.”
“The OSP must be supported in its work. Should the OSP fail, Ghana would utterly lose the fight against corruption – with its attendant erosion of our democracy,” Mr. Agyebeng stated.
The OSP was set up to fight corruption in the country, especially against politically exposed persons.
The office has suffered several setbacks in its fight as court cases have not gone in its favour.
The Special Prosecutor also announced that his office now has its full complement of staff, totalling 249.
Though that was four years behind schedule, the special prosecutor said, “We are excited that we have our full complement of the foundation staff seated now.”
He also revealed that his office was ready to branch out into the regions starting from Kumasi, Tamale, and Takoradi, adding that “we will be seeking approval for clearance to hire more personnel.”
He further stressed that the office was resolute as the flagship anti-corruption agency of the Republic in delivering on its mandate of investigating corruption and corruption-related offences, prosecuting suspected offenders, recovering assets, and taking steps to prevent corruption.