The Bank of Zambia has confirmed a cyber security breach that compromised its official Facebook page, which saw hackers replace the bank’s profile and cover pictures with an image of an unknown man and woman in a romantic embrace, leading to memes and jokes flooding the internet.
The bank says the incident is under investigation.
"The Bank of Zambia regrets to inform members of the public about the cyber security incident affecting the Bank's Facebook page. We are conducting a thorough review of the incident and working closely with relevant law enforcement to ensure that it is addressed," a statement read.
The Bank of Zambia said it was working to restore the Facebook page to full functionality as soon as possible.
It urged its customers and the public to remain cautious and vigilant about potential phishing attempts or suspicious activities.
Officials also assured the public that the incident does not affect the safety and security of customer financial information, as the central bank's core systems remain secure.