The media environment in Burkina Faso is relatively robust but US-based NGO Freedom House says the jihadist insurgency has curbed media access and that military leaders have further constrained the press.
In 2022, Burkina Faso suspended French broadcaster Radio France Internationale (RFI), accusing it of having disseminated a message of intimidation attributed to a "terrorist leader".
It has also expelled journalists working for the French newspapers Le Monde and Liberation. The broadcaster France 24 has also been suspended.
There are around 150 radio and TV stations and scores of newspapers and news websites.
Radio is the most popular medium. State broadcaster Radiodiffusion Television du Burkina (RTB) operates alongside dozens of private and community radio stations.
The BBC (99.2 FM in Ouagadougou) and Voice of America run full-time relays.
There were 4.6 million internet users by December 2021, 21% of the population (