A founding father of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr Nyaho Nyaho-Tamkaloe, on Wednesday, attended the campaign launch of Francis Addai-Nimoh, who has officially declared his intention to contest for the NPP flagbearer position ahead of the 2024 general elections.
Speaking at the event on Wednesday, Dr Nyaho-Tamakloe said he was at the event as a founding member of the NPP.
“Once again, we have come to the rank and file of our party – the New Patriotic Party – to solicit their votes in the leadership race of the party,” he told the gathering.
He stated that the contestants were many, and they would come with promises, some of which could be unrealistic.
Dr Nyaho-Tamakloe recalled that, at a meeting with the outgoing German Ambassador in Ghana at the Osu Castle during his first term in office, President John Kufuor willingly disabused Ghanaians of the promises he had made during the campaign prior to the December 7, 2000 elections.
He said: “the campaign platform promises cannot be fulfilled when you are in office because, oftentimes, you are emotionally charged; but the reality when in office and confronted with the myriad of problems against the limited resources available calls for an immediate rethinking of the promises made during the campaign.”
“This singular act of matured leadership made President Kufuor focus on the new path of policy direction that guided the programmes he undertook throughout his presidency; a rare display of integrity, professionalism and accountability in governance.”
Mr Addai-Nimoh on his part asked the leadership of the party to give equal opportunities to all delegates to elect who to lead as flagbearer for the 2024 general elections.
“The circumstances of our party require a new face as the next presidential candidate, I am the new face to win the 2023 flagbearer elections. A new face must have an unblemished character.
“A face that represents a genuine movement that provides hope to those members who may have been disgruntled.”
Mr Addai-Nimo, who is also the former Member of Parliament for Mampong, said “even though I was sidelined I have remained loyal to our party’s core calls which I have been dedicated to since its inception. So whether I was appointed in public office or not the NPP is for all of us.” -3news.com