Cattle herders from South Sudan's Dinka Bor community of Jonglei State have been urged to leave Eastern Equatoria State and return to their areas of origin.
The call follows recent deadly clashes during a raid on a Dinka Bor cattle camp that left at least 20 people dead – including women, children and elderly people.
The attacks were carried out by suspected Murle armed raiders from the Greater Pibor area, according to Eastern Equatoria State Governor Louis Lobong Lojore.
Mr Lobong said following the violence, hundreds of people from the Madi community who live in the area were forced from their homes.
"The people of Eastern Equatoria State are suffering from a conflict that is transferred from Greater Jonglei to their area. I strongly reiterate my appeal to the people of Greater Jonglei to go back to their areas and try to find ways of addressing their issues amongst themselves," Mr Lobong said in a press release.
Mr Lobong alleged that since the herders arrived months ago, their cattle had caused severe damage to crops on local farms. He added that they have also been harassing the host community, who are mainly farmers – intimidating and humiliating them.