Sudan has announced a ban on air traffic in al-Qadarif state, which borders Ethiopia, Paris-based Sudan Tribune has reported.
"On Thursday 14 January, the Sudanese Civil Aviation Authority issued a decision to prohibit flights over the airspace of al-Qadarif state and the al-Fashaga region in the east of the country," the report said.
Head of the civil aviation authority, Ibrahim Adlan, is quoted as saying that the decision came after an Ethiopian military aircraft reportedly entered Sudan's airspace on Wednesday morning.
Sudan warned Ethiopia of "dangerous consequences" over the incident.
Clashes between Sudan and Ethiopia in the disputed al-Fashaga region have escalated in recent weeks after Sudan in late December announced it had regained control of all its territories that were under the control of Ethiopian militias for over 25 years.
However, Ethiopia accused Sudan of occupying its territories, a charge that Khartoum has denied.