As the continent marks Africa day on Thursday, 350Africa,org ( is set to unveil research on the renewable energy policies, opportunities, and barriers in four West African countries. The research focuses on the status of renewable energy policies in relation to climate change policies and strategies in Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo. invites journalists to an upcoming online press conference where the organization and its local partners will present the research findings, discuss the opportunities and barriers to renewable energy adoption in the region and outline possible areas of intervention for civil society organizations in the push for the implementation of renewable energy solutions, climate change adaptation and mitigation.
In addition to the launch, grassroots groups across the continent under the Africa Vuka banner will hold coordinated actions and events to mark Africa day and highlight the need for a just transition to renewable energy in Africa. The actions aim to compel African nations to power up community-centered renewable energy to address the continent's energy needs, realize a just transition away from polluting fossil fuels - coal, oil and gas- and secure a livable future for African communities that bear the brunt of the impacts of the climate crisis.
Press Conference: Launch of research on policies, opportunities and barriers to renewable energy in West Africa
WHEN: 25 May 2023, 8:30am- 9:30am GMT
WHERE: Please register here ( to attend
WHO: Speakers will include spokespeople and partners from West Africa
A copy of the research will be made available upon request.