1 Star Hotels
The Hotel Star rating system is one of the hotel classification systems that help to ensure safe and reliable lodging and food services. Hotel stars are a rating system that evaluates the features and amenities available at a hotel. The star symbol is a registered trademark, which means that only star-rated licensees can display star ratings.
A universal hotel ranking system does not exist, as the criteria by which a hotel is judged may vary from country to country. However, the hotel Star rating system is used to categorize hotels according to their quality of services. Hotels Star ratings helps to narrow down one’s search according to the features and prices of hotels. It also gives an idea of the level of service to expect upon arrival. A hotel can receive a rating of 1 to 5 stars, with 1 being the most basic and 5 being the most luxurious.
1 Star hotels are mostly privately owned and not part of a chain of businesses. These hotels don’t offer extra amenities or special services. One-star hotels simply provide accommodation rather than luxurious services. They may offer a limited range of facilities and food services may be fairly simple or non-existent. Although some rooms may not have a suite shower room, cleanliness and maintenance however should be of an acceptable standard. Housekeeping services at 1 Star hotels are usually performed between guests.
Most 1 Star hotels are situated close to restaurants and fast-food joints where guests can have access to moderately priced meals. Some 1Star hotels may have a lobby or hallway vending machine. Also, a room may have a television or phone and reception desk hours may be limited.
Guests can also have access to public transport services around the hotel location. Some examples of 1 Star hotels include Paloma hotel, Accra- Ghana; Rosalie’s Suites in Lomé- Togo; Hotel Sophia in London; Browery Grand hotel in America; Beijing Home Inn in China; Grand Sina hotel in Dubai and Motel Blue in Germany.
1 Star Hotels are important because they provide people with a comfortable room and bed at moderate prices. They also provide for basic needs such as food making guests feel at home.
Information from https://www.webstaurantstore.com, www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0410/navigating-the-hotel-star-system, and https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/clarification-hotels-based-star-rating-danthanarayana&ved was used in this story