A well functioning website has become part of every business in this information era. It provides ready and in-depth information about a company, its services and products to attract patrons and other stakeholders.
So integral has the website become that it adds to the credibility factors with which a company earns the endorsement of its stakeholders.
In an information age, the Internet and the world wide web (WWW) continues to transform the way people connect with others, share information and live quality lives.
Access to the organisation on the international and local markets will grow exponentially with a website and bring in investors across the globe.
It is for this reason that the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) is engaging stakeholders to upgrade its current website to a much comprehensive one that will address the needs of the public.
The upgraded website, among other things, is expected to create investment opportunities while depicting relevant statistics pertaining to the ministry.
Considering the number of people who spend much of their time on the internet, businesses, in order to survive, have also shifted their products and services onto the network space.
Business websites do not only promote business (product) but also attracts potential customers online to one’s business. Knowing the importance of a website is key to growing every business.
A major benefit of a business website is that it is accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Last Wednesday (November 9), the ministry held a stakeholder’s consultative workshop to discuss measures to upgrade and modify the its website.
The meeting drew representatives from academia, development partners, departments and agencies of the ministry, and some members of the private sector.
Stakeholder consultations
The acting Chief Director at the Directorate of Crop Services, MoFA, Solomon Gyan Ansah, said the meeting was to do an in-house review of the website, determine its responsiveness and strategise on how to improve the website.
“We decided to engage a cross section of stakeholders to solicit valuable inputs through an honest, objective and constructive process which aims at improving the content and structure of the website,” he stated.
The Head of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Unit of the ministry, Francis Kwasi Korankye, said there were several factors that contributed to redevelopment of the website.
That included the current website not workable enough for customization, lacking relevant information, outdated content and poor user interface and experience, he said.
Mr Korankye explained that some services rendered by the various directorate were not easily accessible by the public and private individuals.
He noted that the current website did not also outline relevant statistics pertaining to the ministry.
The upgrade website, the head of ICT said, would contain new designs to better convey the ministry’s message and boost its content and image.