Meditate and be fit!
Although meditation originally was meant to help deepen understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life, the art has evolved to become what is considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine. Meditation and mindfulness have been found to have a variety of health benefits. Generally, people who often meditate are more likely to have an improved mental health, a decreased feeling of anxiety and depression, an improved ability to think, concentrate and solve problems, and a better ability to adapt to and overcome emotional problems.
Improves Mental Health
Studies have found that people who meditate regularly experience some changes in the brain. The affected areas of the brain are usually those parts that manage or control one’s senses such as vision and hearing and the ability to think, concentrate, and process emotions. Therefore, the brains of people who meditate regularly are healthier and less likely to show age-related loss of function. They also have a stronger ability to deal with and process negative emotions like fear, anger, and grief. Because mental health has a strong impact on health, those benefits also often bring improvements in blood pressure, heart function, and even how well one sleeps.
Eases Anxiety
Meditation helps to ease anxiety and allows one to have time for one’s self. Jambo Truong is a meditation teacher and a specialist in integrated health. In a BBC interview with Dr. Michael Mosley, he noted that the meditation period is a great use of time because it gives the opportunity to pay attention to one’s feelings and thoughts. Within a fast-changing world where more creative ways are emerging, it is crucial to have enough time to figure out one’s own way. Jambo Truong observed that sitting quietly with his thoughts and feelings long or frequently enough helps him to become informed and guided by a wiser part of him.
Usually, meditation is done in a quiet, solemn environment away from the noise and chaos that characterize daily life. A moment of closing the eyes, being focused and breathing enables the mind to stay focused on the pursuit for peace and tranquility. Meditation helps to eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding the mind and increasing stress. This process may result in enhanced physical and emotional health. The art of meditation helps to appreciate how important the mind and health are related, now more than ever.
Improves Resilience
Meditation helps to reduce stress, helping one to focus on important things. Dr Julie Smith, a clinical psychologist also noted that meditation is really about flexing the mental muscle which helps to improve one’s self-awareness about how the mind is working. She noted further that for one to fully realise the profound effects of meditation, one should take the art seriously and make it a part of everyday life.
Meditation happens when the mind is free from stress and agitation and can produce a deep state of relaxation and well-being. A calm mind, good concentration, clarity of perception, better sleep, and improved resilience with an unshakable inner strength are but a few of the manifold benefits of meditation on health.
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