This, according to him, is intended to avoid toxic deals and the prevalence of judgment debts and arbitration awards in the country.
Addressing the press in Accra on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day, Mr. Agyebeng said “[We’ll carry out] an Anti-corruption risk assessment and review from January 2020 of all major public contracts, legislations, and draft legislation. This is intended to avoid toxic deals and the prevalence of judgment debts and arbitration awards,” he noted.
He also said his outfit will from 2022 start ranking public institutions based on corruption perception.
“From January 2022, the OSP will institute as part of its pressure for progress drive an annual Ghana corruption league table to assess perceived levels of public sector corruption in the estimation of experts and business people. Public agencies will be ranked against each other on a corruption barometer and the results will be published every 9th December,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Special Prosecutor says he will push for more resources for the Office as the allocation made to it in the 2022 budget is inadequate.
“What was put there [2022 budget], I have seen, but it doesn’t match up to my expectations, but I cannot give up… I do not see it as a closed case. I will keep pushing, we will keep pushing, and we will keep engaging, so we get the necessary resources to fund our operations,” he said.
In the 2022 budget, GHS 170,504,000 was allocated to the office. GHS 65,000,000 of this amount is for the compensation of employees.