The Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Thomas Tindow, the Sunyani Divisional Police Commander, on Wednesday advised residents in the Sunyani Municipality to form neighbourhood watchdog committees to assist the police to curb crime in the municipality.
He explained the formation of the committees was necessary because it would greatly enhance the security situation and control crime.
Speaking in an interview with newsmen in Sunyani in the wake of the murder of the three young men in the Municipality, ACP Tindow said the police would provide necessary security training to empower the committees to conduct night patrols in the various neighbourhoods to ward off criminals.
Tragedy hit Abesim, near Sunyani in the early hours of Saturday when Richard Appiah, a popular footballer, allegedly murdered his 12-year-old relative and kept the body in a room.
Police have since retrieved and deposited bodies of Louis Agyemang Junior, Stephen Sarpong and a yet to be identified body at a private mortuary at Mantukwa in the Sunyani West Municipality.
Two suspects have since been arrested, aiding police investigations.
Modern policing, ACP Tindow emphasised remained a shared and collective responsibility saying the police collaborate effectively with committees in providing absolute security for residents.
He added the work of the committees would go a long way to minimize theft and armed robbery and other nefarious activities, explaining the police would check the backgrounds of the committee members.
"We would take the particulars of the committee members, screened them to ascertain whether they have no criminal records," he said, and added, "only people with good character would be allowed to join the committees."
ACP Tindow also advised neighbourhoods that were ready to set up the committees to also consider providing incentive packages like uniforms, boots and raincoats to the members.
He added such incentives would motivate and position the committees well to do their best and assist police patrols to improve the security situation in the municipality.