Funzi has designed a course entitled ‘COVID-19: Adapt and thrive’, as a part of the country’s official coronavirus response initiative
The United Nations in South Africa has partnered with Funzi, a mobile learning service based in Finland, and the governments of the Finland and South Africa to expand an important and innovative education initiative. Funzi has designed a course entitled ‘COVID-19: Adapt and thrive’, as a part of the country’s official coronavirus response initiative.
This is a course to help deliver hope in the form of essential information and learning opportunities, to people in crisis situations. FUNZI has the experience, the research, and their activities have shown that mobile information technology is the most effective mechanism to reach the majority of the population and disseminate information. Access to relevant and factual information has a calming effect during times of uncertainty.
Date: Wednesday, 22 April 2020.
Time: 11h00 - 11h30 AM Johannesburg
This is a course to help deliver hope in the form of essential information and learning opportunities, to people in crisis situations
Topic: Virtual Media Launch of FUNZI
Facilitator – Krivani Pillay
11h00 – 11h05 Welcome – Ms. Nardos Bekele-Thomas, Resident Coordinator, UN in South Africa
11h05 – 11h10 Visual presentation of FUNZI – Aape Pohjavirta
11h10 – 11h30 Q & A session with journalists
REGISTER in advance for this webinar:
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