Classroom is usually the first place to find a teacher in a school and he plays an important role after parents in moulding the students.
In our previous lessons, we learned how the home is changed, stakeholders of education and the role of a parent in education.
Today, we want to turn our attention to the teacher, what role he plays in education.
Students are to be handled with affection and courtesy.
Students generally keep a close watch on the teacher’s life. So, a teacher has to maintain a good set of manners and try to be a role model.
This not only helps students adopt it but also enhances their respect and regards to the teacher.
Teachers play vital roles in the lives of the students in their classrooms.
Teachers are best known for the role of instructing the students that are placed in their care.
Beyond that, teachers serve many other roles in the classroom.
Teachers set the tone of their classrooms, build a warm environment, mentor and nurture students, become role models, and listen and look for signs of trouble.
Teaching Knowledge
The most common role a teacher plays in the classroom is to teach knowledge to children.
Teachers are given a curriculum they must follow that matches state guidelines.
This curriculum is followed by the teacher so that throughout the year, all pertinent knowledge is dispensed to the learners.
Teachers instruct in many ways including lectures, small grouping activities and hands-on learning activities.
Creating Classroom Environment
Teachers also perform an important role in the classroom with regards to the environment. Students often mimic a teacher’s actions. If the teacher prepares a warm, happy environment, students usually tend to be happy.
An environment set by the teacher can be either positive or negative. If students sense the teacher is angry, students may react in a negative way to that and therefore learning can be impaired.
Teachers are completely responsible for the social behaviour in their classrooms. This behaviour is primarily a reflection of the teacher’s actions and the environment she sets.
Role Modelling
Teachers typically do not think of themselves as role models, however, inadvertently they are.
Students spend a lot of time with their teacher and therefore, the teacher becomes a role model to them.
This can be a positive or negative effect based upon the teacher. Teachers are there not only to train the children, but also to love and care for them.
Teachers are typically highly respected by people in the community so therefore become a role model to students and parents.
Mentoring is a natural role taken on by teachers, whether it is intentional or not.
This again can have positive or negative effects on children.
Mentoring is a way a teacher encourages students to strive to be the greatest they can.
This also includes motivating students to enjoy learning. Part of mentoring consists of listening to students.
By taking time to listen to what students say, teachers impart to students a sense of ownership in the classroom.
This helps build their confidence and helps them want to be successful.
Signals of Trouble
Another role played by teachers is a protector role.
Teachers are trained to look for signs of difficulty in the students.
When students’ behaviors change or physical signs of abuse become apparent, teachers are required to investigate the problem.
Teachers must follow faculty procedures when it comes to following up on all signs of trouble.
Teachers should encourage student welfare program, sports, tutoring, etc. during normal school days.
Even education trips are to be included in the school life of the children.
The student’s point of view must always be considered once before teacher applies his opinion on them.
A teacher should give proper encouragement for students. The children must really feel free to approach with any questions regarding the subject or career they have in their mind.
A teacher has to use effective teaching techniques like the use of chalkboard, videos, pictures, animations to impart the information easily.
In case, the parent of any student is willing to meet with the teacher, he must avail himself and must be prepared to listen and cooperate with them.
In the classroom, a teacher is like a parent to the student. He should try to see if the students are fine, healthy and active.
This means that one should play the role of a teacher with dedication, honesty, affection, and patience.
Much of what students can be taught by their greatest teachers is not detailed on a syllabus.
Instructors who help students grow as people are accountable for imparting some of life’s most important lessons.
Armed with a supportive and well-educated administration, there is no limit to the influence a teacher can have on one, or many, students’ lives.
Though a teacher’s have an effect on the social sphere of school lessens as students mature, those early lessons nevertheless have an effect on how they will interact with others in the future.
Teachers are founts of experience. They have already been exactly where their students are going, undergone what they will go through and are in the position to pass along lessons, not only regarding subject material, but lessons on life.