*(How to MC Any Event has enabled more than 3,000 masters of ceremonies to correct their mistakes. Only 7 minutes a day required to improve)*
Many masters of ceremonies turn up late for their own event. They should get to the venue at least 30 minutes before the first guest arrives.
Some wait for the venue to fill up when they should start the event on time. Still others pay little attention to how they look instead of dressing more formally than their audiences.
It’s astonishing how often opening and closing remarks are unplanned and how speakers are poorly introduced. Few know whether to give speakers time limits and when to even stop talking. Most MCs panic when asked to draw up a program at the last minute. They struggle to hold the audience’s attention.
*Why Most Masters of Ceremonies Make Mistakes*
What is the reason so many masters of ceremonies are deficient in the use of their skills and find their careers stunted as a result? Why is it that some get disorganized when unplanned changes occur and others crack jokes that make audiences uncomfortable? Why do so many find themselves at a loss to take control of the events they host?
The reason for the deficiency is clear. It was discovered after years of observing hundreds of events and teaching several classes. Most masters of ceremonies do not handle their responsibilities well because they never formed the habit of doing so.
The formation of any habit only comes from constant practice. No one who does the right thing thinks of *rules* when he or she is doing so.
Emceeing is a profession that is so critical to the event industry, and without which many events would simply flop! Yet the lack of specialized training for masters of ceremonies has led to their neglect, hence the mistakes.
The basic principle of How to MC Any Event is habit-forming. Anyone can learn to become a better master of ceremonies by constantly doing the right
things. But how is one to know in each case what is correct? This problem is solved in a simple, unique, sensible way.
Suppose the author himself were standing forever at your elbow. Every time you made a mistake, suppose you could hear him whisper “That is wrong, it should not be so.” In a short time, you would habitually do the right things as a master of ceremonies.
If you continue to make the same mistakes over and over again, each time patiently he would tell you what was right. He would, as it were, be an everlasting mentor beside you – a mentor who would not laugh at you, but who would, on the contrary, support and help you.
Only 7 Minutes a Day
No more than seven minutes a day are required. Seven minutes of study and fascinating practice! Students do their work in any spare moment they can
snatch. They do it on the way to work or at home. They take 7 minutes from the time usually spent in profitless reading or amusement. The results
really are phenomenal.
How to MC Any Event has placed an excellent command of all the skills required of an effective master of ceremonies within the grasp of everyone.
Those who take advantage of this book gain the self-confidence which their skills inspire.
*Free – Tips on Emceeing*
It is impossible to give more than a suggestion of the range of topics covered in How to MC Any Event. But those interested can find a concise summary in a fascinating little tip sheet called “How You Can Master Emceeing in 7 Minutes a Day.”