The Central Regional Registry of Births and Deaths in 2017 registered a total of 57,568 infant births, comprising 29,323 males and 28,245 females. The figure compared to the 48,124 registered in 2016, showed an increase of 9,444.
Madam Miriam Manso, Regional Registration Officer of the Births and Deaths Registry gave the statistics in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Cape Coast on Thursday. Of the figure, 5,868 were delivered by teenage mothers while majority of them were by mothers aged between 25 and 35 years.
The statistics also showed that 22,429 made up of 11,615 males and 10,814 females were born at hospitals, 22,735 were at clinics and maternity homes while 12,386 of them were delivered at the house.
Madam Manso said the Registry, registered a total of 4,289 deaths as against 4,108 in 2016, 4,538 in 2015 and 4,991 in 2014 respectively. She stated that out of the 4,289 deaths registered last year, 2,221 were males and 2,068 were females with a chunk of the figure being above 55years.
She said 30 infant mortalities were also recorded last year as against the 33 registered in 2016 while 64 of those who died were below 10 years.