While we don't want to spend our entire lives in a whirlwind of hypochondria, diagnosing each and every unusual symptom we experience as a life-threatening illness, it does pay off to be aware of symptoms that could be an indication of something serious.
Ovarian cancer affects 7,300 women in the UK every year according to statistics from Targeting Ovarian Cancer. 11 women die every day from the disease, and for that reason it's important we're aware of the red flags that come with it. But according to new research from the leading charity, most women aren't aware of the symptoms.
Of 1,000 women surveyed, just 1% knew that needing to urinate more frequently was actually a symptom of ovarian cancer - and I'll admit that I'm in the 99% of women who didn't. But considering this kind of information could literally save your life one day, it's probably time we all clued ourselves up.
Katherine Pinder, Deputy Director of Services at Target Ovarian Cancer, explained why this type of cancer could make you pee a lot: "Needing to wee more often or more urgently – and indeed, all of the symptoms of ovarian cancer – can occur because a mass in the abdominal area is pushing on the surrounding organs, including the bladder. This is similar to what happens when a woman is pregnant and may need to wee more."
There are, of course, plenty of other reasons you might be going to the toilet more frequently than normal; if you've upped your water intake, for example, or if you're unknowingly suffering from a condition like diabetes. But just being aware that there's a small chance your increased visits to the loo might mean you've got ovarian cancer, especially you're displaying other common symptoms, could encourage you to seek the medical help you need.
The other three key symptoms of ovarian cancer you need to look out for are:
If you experience one or more of these symptoms, you've never experienced them persistently before, and they don't appear to subside, it's always advisable to visit your GP.