A call has gone to patients, who react adversely to any prescribed drugs to stop taking them and report immediately to the nearest medical facility. Mr. Seth Twum of the Pharmaco-Vigilant Committee of the Koforidua Regional Hospital, said although drugs prescribed at the medical facilities were safe, there could be problems at times.
Sometimes due to the medical conditions of patients which they did not communicate to the medical officer, they could react to drugs. He was addressing some patients at the Eye Clinic of the hospital as part of the public education programme launched by the facility.
Mr. Twum advised them not to take prescribed drugs by the hospital alongside herbal preparations. Reporting adverse reaction to drugs would help save their lives and provide the opportunity for the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) to conduct further investigations into the potency of the drug.
If found to have some characteristics which were not disclosed by the manufacturers and the importers, the drug could be withdrawn from the market, he added.