All is set for the 2019 Stratcomm Africa “Praise Jam”, which will take place on Saturday, December 7th at the Pentecost International Worship Centre (PIWC), Kokomlemle, Accra.
Stratcomm Africa is 25 years this year and 2019 also marks the end of a decade.‘All that we have accomplished You have done for us” - Isaiah 26:12b is therefore the theme for 2019 PraiseJam.
Ministering are the evergreen music trio, Daughters of Glorious Jesus, Becky Bonney, Eugene Zuta, Reverend Ifueko Charmien and some surprise performances.
PraiseJam offers a platform for all to come and freely praise God for His goodness throughout the year, and ask for His divine grace, mercy and favour for the coming year.
Chief Executive Officer of Stratcomm Africa, Esther A.N Cobbah, says, another year is ending, another decade is coming. Stratcomm Africa is 25. “With Grateful hearts we lift up praise to the Lord”.
Entry is free.