Celine Dion is celebrating her twin boys turning 8-years-old by sharing a sweet family photo with her fans. The singer took to her official Instagram account on October 23 to post an adorable family photo showing herself and her sons, 8-year-old twins Nelson and Eddy and 17-year-old Rene-Charles, playing around together.
The adorable upload showed Nelson and Eddy both throwing up peace signs while Celine hilariously put up a number eight on a stick over one of her twins’ eyes like a mask.
Dion, who was dressed pretty casually in black leggings, a black top, and red sneakers, also had her hair tied up in a bun as she enjoyed some quality family time with her three sons.
She then shared a very sweet message for her youngest children in the photo’s caption, writing a loving birthday tribute for the twins in both English and her native language French.