Madam Justina Owusu-Banahene, the Sunyani Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) has pleaded with residents, especially football loving fans to exercise patience as the Municipal Assembly was organising to move out traders from the Sunyani Coronation Park.
She said the Assembly and the Sunyani Traditional Council was working for the provision of security and other social amenities such as lighting system, water and sanitation as part of the on-going phase-lifting project of the Nana Bosoma market to make business pleasurable, if the traders were finally relocated there.
The traders, particularly those dealing in food items-roots and tubers, fruits and vegetables among others were located at the Coronation Park when beside the closure of the Nana Bosoma weekly market, the main Sunyani central market was decongested by the Assembly in Early April this year to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).
In an interview with the Ghana News Agency in Sunyani, Mad. Owusu-Banahene said “the safety of traders who would soon be moved from the Coronation Park to the Nana Bosoma market is very crucial.
“I am aware the football season would soon resume, but, we are battling time with rains as well, hence, the little delay, but we are doing all things possible for the Coronation Park to be free for sporting activities”, she explained.
At the peak of the COVID-19, the Sunyani ‘city’ authorities used the Coronation Park as one of the satellite markets created to avoid overcrowding to protect people from contracting and spreading the disease.
The Assembly therefore did phase-lifting and upgrading works with demarcations at the Nana Bosoma market.
Mad. Owusu-Banahene said on completion of the work at the Nana Bosoma market, traders would be arranged and separated according to items being sold to improve social distancing and avoid overcrowding to prevent spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and also secure the safety and comfort of both sellers and buyers.