Downward price movement in two consumer product stocks dragged the benchmark index down by 10.06 points (-0.53%) to close at 1,883.45 with a -17.00% year-to-date return while the market capitalization decreased by -0.20% to settle at GH¢52.68 billion.
The GSE Financial Index recorded no gains or losses, closing at yesterday’s level of 1,719.64 with a -14.85% year-to-date return.
The SAS Manufacturing Index shed 26.69 points (-1.03%) to close at 2,555.05 with a year-to-date return of -26.62% due to Fan Milk (-9.09%) and Unilever Ghana (-9.94%).
Trading activity weakened as 28,357 shares valued at GH¢30,092 changed hands from 8,006,587 shares valued at GH¢4,840,991 in the previous session. MTN Ghana dominated trades by volume and value, accounting for 78.29% of the total volume traded and 42.79% of the total value traded.
We expect activity levels to increase as investors take advantage of bargain stocks.